Free trial

The LUMC building

Start your 14-day free trial

Never type notes manually into your electronic health record again. While you can stay focused on the patient, our AI engine turns the conversation into a structured summary. Available in English, French, Spanish, German, Dutch, Norwegian, Afrikaans and more languages soon.

Please fill out the form on the bottom of the page to create a trial account.

Extended pilot

For larger organisations, we offer the option of an extended pilot, supported by a dedicated Customer Success Manager (CSM). This ensures a tailored setup, comprehensive training, and seamless integration of Autoscriber with your existing systems.Please contact us to discuss how we can facilitate a longer pilot to meet your organisation's needs.
Contact us

Integrated version

Through our partnerships with various EHR providers, we offer a fully integrated solution that streamlines workflows, saving time on administrative tasks. This allows healthcare professionals to focus more on patient care, improving both care quality and job satisfaction.
All integrations

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Medicom integration

Never type notes manually into your electronic health record again. While you can stay focused on the patient, our AI engine turns the conversation into a structured summary. Available in English, French, Spanish, German, Dutch, Norwegian, Afrikaans and more languages soon.

Please fill out the form below before creating an account.
This helps us create a tailored experience for you!